Board of Directors
The members of the Board of Directors are the elected officers and chairpersons of the Association, consisting of the President, three Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson, Historian, Publicity Chairperson, and Hospitality Chairperson.

Kathy Cunning - President
Phone: 817-694-0246 | Email: | The President shall be the principal Executive Officer and shall preside at all Meetings of the Board of Directors and Regular Meetings of the Membership and serve as ex-officio member at all committee meetings and perform any other duties that pertain to this office. In addition, the President shall appoint a qualified person to audit the records of the Association at the end of the fiscal year.

Cindi Neverdousky - 2nd VP Education
Phone: 817-228-7028 | Email: | The 2nd Vice-President of Education shall be responsible for Education and securing a monthly demonstrator or program relating to art and for submitting pre-publicity information to the Publicity Chairperson. The 2nd Vice-President shall also serve as the Coordinator of Workshops and Classes.

1st VP - Currently Vacant
Can you fill this post? The 1st Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in case of his or her absence or inability to serve. Contact our present, Kathy Cunning, if you are willing to serve.

Barbara Carey - 3rd VP Shows
Phone: 817-304-3181 | Email: | The 3rd Vice-President of Art Shows shall be responsible for all aspects of Art Shows including Artist of the Month.

Jill Harper - Secretary
Phone: 817-980-6159 | Email: | The Secretary shall record all minutes of all Meetings of the Board of Directors and any actions taken at such meetings to be approved by the Board Directors at subsequent meetings. The Secretary shall also handle all appropriate correspondence as approved by the Board.

Val Vierling - Treasurer
Phone: (817) 875-8649 | Email: | Shall have knowledge of bookkeeping and be responsible for all monies received and disbursed by the Association.

Carolyn Young - Membership Chair
Phone: 817-269-5375 | Email: | The Membership Chairperson shall accept all membership applications and dues.

Alison Anderson - Publicity Chair
Phone: 662-416-8280 | Email: | The Publicity Chairperson shall be responsible for providing information to media outlets and members concerning activities and monthly programs of the association.

Joyce Clock - Hospitality
Phone: 701-240-3963 | Email: | The Hospitality Chairperson shall develop a spirit of friendliness among members and guests (and arranges for refreshments at meetings).

Historian - currently vacant
Would YOU be interested in stepping into this position? Contact our President, Kathy Cunning. The Historian shall act as custodian of past records, past photographs, awards letters, program news clippings pertaining to the Association. (Requires using Dropbox as our online archives)